Lab Members
Ben Ross | Bio
Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, and Orthopaedics.
Paige Salerno
PhD Candidate, MCB Graduate Program. BS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Paul Hernandez
PhD Candidate, MCB Graduate Program. BS, UC Irvine.
Casey Latario
PhD Candidate, MCB Graduate Program. BS, Grove City College.
Emily McClure, Postdoctoral Fellow. BS, Colby College. PhD, University of Connecticut.
Darlene Royce, Research Associate. BS, Michigan State University.
Aimee Wilson, Research Associate. BS, University of New Orleans. MS, UC-San Diego.
Evan Trus, Research Assistant 2019-2021. Currently MD-PhD program at Wake Forest University.
Kerry Swartz, Research Assistant 2021-2022. Currently MD program at Case Western Reserve University.
Christophe Courtine, Research Assistant 2022-2023. BS, McGill University. Currently MD-PhD program at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Sophie Robitaille, Postdoctoral Fellow 2020-2023. BS, McGill University. PhD INRS Institute Armand-Frappier. Currently Sherbrooke University.
Graduate students
Prospective students interested in the Ross Lab are encouraged to apply to the Dartmouth College Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program.
Post docs
Interested postdoctoral candidates should contact Ben by email to discuss potential positions, projects, and funding opportunities.